
What Is A Specialized Cell

Specialised brute cells

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Key points

  • Specialised fauna cells accept components that permit them to complete a specific purpose.
  • Specialised animate being cells include red claret cells, sperm, eggs, nervus cells, musculus cells, ciliated cells, and villi.

Video - What are specialised animate being cells?

Most cells share features such as having a nucleus, a jail cell membrane, cytoplasm and mitochondria.

Each type of cell has its own chore to exercise. These cells take special features that let them to perform their functions finer.

Crimson claret cells

Cherry-red claret cells bear oxygen around the trunk, which is needed for They are well suited to this part because:

  • They contain , which carries oxygen molecules.
  • They don't have a nucleus, allowing more infinite to carry oxygen.
  • They are a flat disc shape with dips on both sides (biconcave). This gives them a large expanse, and the best take a chance of arresting equally much oxygen as they can in the lungs.
diagram of three red blood cells labelled biconcave

Sperm cells

Sperm are the male sex cell. They are made in the testes afterwards . They bring together with an egg cell during to class an which can then develop into a new life. The post-obit features brand them well suited to this office:

  • A tail moves them towards an egg cell.
  • Many release energy for movement.
  • Part of the tip of the caput of the sperm, called the acrosome, releases enzymes to digest the egg membrane to permit fertilisation to have place.
  • The nucleus contains the genetic material for fertilisation.
  • Sperm are produced in large numbers to increase the gamble of fertilisation.
a diagram of a sperm cell labelled tail, acrosome, midpiece containing mitochondria, haploid nucleus

Egg prison cell

Eggs are the female sex prison cell. They are made in the ovaries earlier nativity. Commonly, i egg is released each month during the menstrual bicycle , but sometimes this number may be college. They join with a sperm prison cell during fertilisation to form an embryo which can so develop into a new life. They are well suited to this function considering:

  • The egg cell'southward cytoplasm contains nutrients for the growth of the early embryo.
  • The haploid nucleus contains genetic cloth for fecundation.
  • The changes later fertilisation past a unmarried sperm and then that no more sperm tin can enter.
diagram of an egg cell labelled cell membrane, cytoplasm, haploid nucleus, mitochondria

Nervus cells

Nerve cells transmit electric signals in the . They are well suited to their function because:

  • They are thin, and can be more than one metre long in your spinal string. This ways they can carry messages up and down the body over large distances very speedily.
  • Nerve cells have branched connections at each end. These join to other nerve cells, allowing them to pass messages around the body.
  • They take a fatty (myelin) sheath that surrounds them. The fatty sheath increases the speed at which the message can travel.
diagram of nerve cell labelled nucleus, nerve ending, cytoplasm, cell membrane

Muscle cells

Muscles cells are found in bundles which make up our muscles. These cells are able to contract (get shorter) and relax (return to original length). There are different types of muscle cell, each perfectly adapted to its function:

  • Cardiac (heart) muscle cells contract and relax to pump blood around our bodies for our entire lives. They never get tired.
  • Smoothen musculus cells brand upward thin sheets of muscle, such as the tum lining. They tin can also be arranged in bundles, or rings, like that in the anus.
  • Skeletal musculus is joined to bones. Its cells contract to make bones move and joints bend.
diagram of the three types of muscle cell

Video - Understanding muscle cells

Detect out how a sports therapist uses his knowledge of specialised cells to help his clients

Ciliated cells

Ciliated cells are found in the airways. They take tiny hairs on their tops called which beat in a rhythm. These hairs move mucus containing dust and other particles upwardly and out of the airways. Ciliated cells are also found in the . Here the tiny hairs beat to motility the egg from the ovaries to the .


Villi are structures about one millimetre long in the and . Millions of them poke out to absorb digested food and water into the claret. They are well suited to this function considering:

  • They take a large area.
  • They have thin walls which are only one jail cell thick.
  • The cells of the lining have tiny hairs to absorb more than food and h2o.
a diagram of a villus with thin walls, network of capillaries and blood vessels labelled

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